Friday, December 5, 2008

What Does H.I.V./Aids Stand for?
-H.I.V. Stand for{Human Immunodeficiency Virus
-Aids stand for {Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome}

List All Of the ways HIV/Aids is Transmitted.
-Unprotected Sex with someone that is or has been Recently Infected
-Anal and Oral Sex
-Blood Transfusion
-Drugs Ex; Heroine {Sharing Needles with Someone who haves the virus}
-Giving Birth { Mothers that are infected}

What Action Can You Take To Stop The Spread of Aids?
-People that are using Drugs Such as {Heroine}, Make sure you use your own needle
-Always use protection for any type of sex.

Aids is a trouble disease that is spreading around very fast. You always have to protect yourself, Don't be a victim * ALWAYS USE PROTECTION PEOPLE*.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Priscilla Canela

The magazine that I'm going to be talking about is "The Water's Fine". I read the article in page 16-17, "Nice and Clean" By Jessica Cohn. The article is talking about how to keep  your hands clean at all times. It also says how to wash your hands and how long you wash your hands, For example: Its says to wash your hands for 20 sec. It also talks about you suppose to brush your teeth twice a day and floss right after that. What i learned from this article was that you sweat more on your feet than anywhere else. To prevent that you have to wash your feet daily and wear clean socks. You have to treat your body to best water treatment around.